since 2002, school donations have helped
worldwide access the books they need for a better education

you pack the books in boxes for collection

we collect books from your school

we sort & send them to those who need it

your book donations receive a new home
Read to Grow’s success is partly due the enthusiastic participation of many schools. The largest part of Read to Grow’s books are being collected by schools.
Thanks to our annual World Book Day drives and end-of-year pickups, we’ve collected over 1.5 million books—sorting, packing, and shipping them to communities that need them most.
Library & Classroom Cleanouts
Books from Families
Making Donations Easy & Impactful
We offer multiple collection options to suit your school’s needs.
World Book Day
Large Scale Collections
End-of-Year Cleanups
Which books do we need?
We are looking for books age group 3 to 17 years old in English, French and Spanish. No textbooks !!! We have 5 book categories
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category C 16+
Category I
Book Donation Guidelines
Please read the requirements. Our book drives are designed to ensure a smooth, organised, and an overall impactful collection process.
A Willing School Community
A Collection Point
Suitable Books
Collection Commitment
Book Quantity
Library Collections
What we accept
and don't accept
Watch the video below from Kim, head librarian of the international school in Amsterdam!
- Nursery
- Primary School
- Fiction
- Informative
- Education
- Multiple Languages
- Written in Text Books
- Religious
- Gun Violence
- Demon
- Erotic
- Political
- War
Do not pack...
Examples of books that we recycle because they are not relevant to children in developing countries
Monsters & Demons
Damaged Books
The Read to Grow world book day Award
Every book donation helps change lives, and we want to recognize the schools that go above and beyond.
As a token of appreciation, we present a special statue to the school that donates the most books during our World Book Day Collection

What is the Award?
The school with highest number of books divided by the total number of students or pupils on the school wins the award. So a small school and big school have even opportunity to win the Award.
How to Win?
- Collect as many books as possible from students, families, and even your school library.
- We’ll announce the winner and present the award after the collection period.